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In our fast-paced lives, we often forget to pay attention to our own bodies. It’s like driving a car without noticing the warning lights until something goes wrong. 

But our bodies are incredibly smart and hold a treasure trove of wisdom. Somatic exercises can help us tap into this wisdom. 

They allow us to connect with our bodies, listen to their messages, and use this knowledge to improve our well-being. 

This blog post will explore somatic exercises and how to use them to bridge the gap between our minds and bodies. 

what is somatic healing?

Somatic healing is a way of using your body to help heal your mind and emotions. It’s about paying attention to the physical sensations and feelings within your body to understand and release stress, pain, or past traumas.

Through practices like yoga, meditation, and body-focused therapies, you can connect with your body’s wisdom and find relief from emotional and physical challenges. Somatic healing helps you become more aware of how your body and mind are connected, and it can lead to a happier and healthier life.

Foam Back Roller

This amazing stretching device will take your somatic workout to the next level. The yoga wheel is effective for targeting all areas of the back, from the neck to the lower back. It serves as a therapeutic tool, releasing knots and trigger points for optimal relief.

1. Grounding

Grounding exercises are valuable techniques that can help you reconnect with the present moment and shift your focus away from distressing past events. These exercises can be especially beneficial when dealing with symptoms like anxiety and traumatic flashbacks. 


WATER MEDITATION. Begin by allowing cold water to flow over your hands. Concentrate on the unique sensation of temperature across your hand, from your wrists to your fingertips. Then, switch to warm water and notice how the feeling changes. Continue this soothing exercise for a few minutes until you feel more at ease.

BODY MOVEMENT. Engage your body in movements that feel comfortable to you. This could include activities like gentle jumping, dancing, jogging in place, or stretching. While you move, focus your attention on the physical sensations within your body. To enhance your awareness, you can perform a body scan, starting at your toes and working your way up to your face, one body part at a time.

CATEGORIES GAME. Challenge your mind by playing a game of categories. Select a specific category, such as types of dogs, U.S. states, or cities, and choose an initial letter. Your goal is to identify at least 5 objects within that category that begin with the chosen letter. Continue this exercise, and only switch to a new letter once you’ve successfully found those 5 items. This mental activity can help divert your thoughts and bring you back to the present moment, providing a sense of relief.



Take a moment to check in with your body. Address the next questions.

How are you sitting, standing, or lying right now?

Is your posture relaxed and natural, or do you find yourself in an awkward position? 

Is your weight evenly distributed from side to side, or are you leaning more to one side?

Is your head held high, or has it gradually slumped forward? 

Are you slouching or sitting up straight?

There is nothing you have to do with that, just the act of becoming aware, acknowledging your body and detecting any tension that might be lurking in your muscles is enough. It’s all about saying hello to your body and having a little conversation with it. 

By making this self-check a regular habit you ensure a consistent connection with your body and stay in tune with your physical self.

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Shaking is something we’ve learned from animals. It helps us let out built-up stress and energy, especially when we’ve been through tough times. 

When we face danger, we usually react by fighting, running away, or freezing in place. Freezing is like our body’s way of protecting us from feeling too much pain. But when we freeze, it can lock up a lot of our survival energy inside us.

Shaking is a way to unlock and release this trapped energy. It’s a natural method we’ve inherited from animals that helps us get rid of the effects of difficult or scary experiences.

Somatic Balancing Board

Elevate your somatic experience with this versatile balancing board and slant board combo. The balancing board offers a fun way to improve core strength and stability, while the slant board is ideal for enhancing flexibility and balance through a variety of stretching exercises.


Find a quiet, undisturbed space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. 

Let your body start shaking spontaneously, without trying to force it, and pay close attention to the sensations within. Keep the rest of your body relaxed while embracing the trembling. 

Continue shaking for as long as it feels comfortable, then gradually allow it to slow down until your body becomes still.


Breathwork is a powerful tool for somatic healing that involves using your breath to connect with your body and emotions. It’s about breathing intentionally to create a sense of calm and release tension.

One effective exercise is the 4-7-8 technique. Practicing this technique using a breathing necklace will make it much easier, especially if you don’t have much experience with breath work. Also, the necklace by itself can be a good reminder to stop, pause, and take a somatic break. 

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Find a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in for a count of 4. Hold that breath for 7 counts, and then exhale slowly for 8 counts. Repeat this process several times. 

The deep breaths help to relax your nervous system and bring a sense of peace. With each breath, imagine releasing any stress or worries, allowing your body to heal and renew itself.


Pendulation is a gentle but effective practice in somatic healing that involves contracting and then slowly releasing your muscles. It helps reset your muscles to their natural, relaxed state, reducing tension and discomfort.

For instance, if you’re someone who tends to SUPPRESS ANGER, you might unconsciously find yourself making fists or grinding your teeth at night. These are signs that there’s PENT-UP ANGER inside you. This unexpressed anger, when directed inward, can have detrimental effects on your physical well-being, potentially leading to serious illnesses. 

The simplest yet super effective solution: squeeze balls! Truly the most genius invention ever. Just a few minutes a day or whenever you need it, will do the trick.

Stretching Yoga Strap

The Stretch strap & leg stretcher is ideal for somatic therapy, aiding in stretching the feet, waist, and hands. It assists in post-exercise stretching, alleviating muscle soreness, enhancing muscle flexibility, and reducing back pain resulting from prolonged inactivity.


Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down. Start by gently tensing a specific muscle group, like your shoulders or neck, and hold it for a few seconds. 

Then, slowly release the tension while paying close attention to the sensation. Repeat this process with different muscle groups in your body, always making sure to release the tension slowly and mindfully.

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Where to look for professional somatic experience

If you’re interested in seeking professional help for somatic experiences, you have several options to choose from, each offering a unique approach to healing and well-being.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). EMDR therapy is a structured approach designed to help individuals process distressing memories by focusing on bilateral stimulation, often through eye movements. Therapists who offer EMDR are trained to guide you through this process, which can be especially helpful for dealing with trauma and its effects on the body.


YOGA AND MINDFULNESS INSTRUCTORS. Many yoga and mindfulness instructors incorporate somatic practices into their sessions. They can guide you through yoga poses, mindful breathing, and meditation techniques that encourage a deeper connection with your body and sensations. These practices are known for promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

DANCE/MOVEMENT THERAPISTS. Dance therapy involves the use of movement and dance as a therapeutic tool to explore emotions, improve self-esteem, and enhance overall mental health. Dance/movement therapists are trained to help individuals connect with their bodies and express themselves through movement.


SOMATIC EXPERIENCING PRACTITIONERS. Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on healing trauma and stress-related conditions. Practitioners are trained to help you release physical tension, regulate your nervous system, and restore balance to your body.


SOUND HEALING. Sound healing involves the use of sound vibrations to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Whether through singing bowls, gongs, or other instruments, sound healing sessions can help you tune into your body’s sensations and encourage a sense of well-being.

MASSAGE THERAPISTS.  While massage therapy primarily focuses on the body, it can also have significant effects on mental well-being. Many people find that regular massages help reduce tension, alleviate stress, and promote relaxation.


To find a professional in any of these fields, consider reaching out to local therapists, wellness centers, or conducting online searches. It’s essential to choose a practitioner or therapist who resonates with you and your specific needs. Remember, there are various pathways to somatic healing, so explore and find the one that works best for you.


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