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Creating a positive mindset is something that you want to consider when you decide on a weight loss journey. Apart from your plans to change your diet or exercise routine, shifting your mindset and attitude can make a huge difference in your success. 

Professional athletes, for example, although seem to do only physical training, often include a psychologist or mental health coach in their team. Because they know that the inside work matters the same, if not more, than the outside.

Let’s take a closer look at what encompasses a positive mindset and how can we adjust it to make your weight loss goals more feasible.

1. Become aware of your thought patterns

Our mindset is a maze of thoughts and beliefs that reflect in our vision of ourselves and the world around us. One of the ways to understand how we perceive the subject of weight loss and physical appearance is through the observation of the INNER TALK. 

I’d suggest starting your journey by identifying any negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Why? Because if you have them, they can hold you back from moving forward.

In my opinion, the best way to get self-awareness insights is through introspective meditation. By setting aside some time every day you can INTENTIONALLY explore your beliefs and inner motivation. 

In addition to that you can get in a habit of observing your thoughts using the Pausing technique. The Pausing technique involves consciously taking moments throughout the day to pause, reflect, and observe the flow of thoughts and emotions without judgment or attachment (learn more about how to do it here.)

2. Adopt constructive weight loss-related ideas

Before diving into any topic, like weight loss, it’s important to acknowledge that we already have certain ideas about it. Sometimes these ideas are preconceived and may not be helpful in reaching our goals.

To ensure that our mindset works for us, we need to shift it in a more positive way.

It’s like changing the perspective, the angle from which we view the subject. While the subject remains the same, the vantage point is different.

For example, instead of viewing weight loss as a punishment or something difficult, start seeing it as an opportunity for self-improvement and a form of self-care. Focus on the positive aspects of weight loss such as improved health, increased energy levels, and boosted confidence.

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You can also change your perspective on exercise and healthy eating by reframing them as enjoyable activities rather than chores. I bet you can find physical activities that you enjoy and explore new healthy recipes that excite your taste buds.

Instead of overthinking your weight loss journey and giving it grandiose significance, consider it as small adjustments that don’t require disrupting your familiar routine. By reframing it this way, you can approach it with a sense of ease and make sustainable progress towards your goals.

You can also remind yourself that food, in general, is neither inherently bad nor good. It’s important to remember that food is just food, and indulging in a slice of cake doesn’t make you a bad person. By simply embracing a BALANCED PERSPECTIVE you can enjoy the pleasures of eating without guilt.

Shifting the focus from weight loss to cultivating healthier habits can yield even greater benefits. Unlike weight loss, which is a one-time and temporary endeavor, developing healthy habits leads to lasting improvements in one’s quality of life.

3. Set realistic goals

It is crucial to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and how you will get there. But what is more important is that your goals are REALISTIC – realistic to the point that they are EASY for you to achieve. What is going to be easy is only for you to decide, just don’t lie to yourself. 

Also, don’t borrow someone else’s standards. Take into consideration your current skill set and resources, as well as the time and effort YOU ARE WILLING TO INVEST. 

The mindset of taking small and easy steps will give you the feeling that you are powerful and capable, and achieving these small goals will satisfy you and ignite your further motivation.

Believe me, nothing works better than positive reinforcement coming from the already-achieved results.

4. Learn how to deal with fallbacks in a constructive manner

I believe that out of all the mindset changes this one is the hardest, because let’s be honest, most of us can’t deal with setbacks. We usually equate them in our minds with failures and give up altogether. 

Part of establishing a positive mindset is learning how to reframe this view and stop berating yourself. The black-and-white, all-or-nothing mentality is often a manifestation of our PERFECTIONISTIC TENDENCIES, which we all, to varying degrees, succumb to at times. 

It is quite obvious, however, that such an approach to setbacks doesn’t work.

It is not the amount of setbacks that define your success, but the amount of times you get back after every time you thought you failed.

letting go of perfectionism, motivational quotes, tony robbins, gym inspiration, workout motivation, good habits, exit comfort zone

5. Don't compare your journey to others

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others, especially in this age of social media where our perception of reality is distorted and we fail to adequately see ourselves and others. The truth is everyone’s journey is unique and everyone has their own struggles and challenges. 

If you are on a weight loss journey and adopt as a reference someone’s personal story you saw on Instagram, you might find yourself overwhelmed and discouraged when your results don’t match theirs. 

It’s important to remember that genetics, lifestyle, and other factors play a huge role in our individual journeys. Plus, people lie or embellish their stories for various reasons, including seeking validation or promoting products.

The main point, however, is that when your mind is solely focused on you and your personal progress, you end up winning every time.

6. Practice self-compassion

Self-compassion is often overlooked or dismissed, primarily because the concept itself may seem counterintuitive. There are still many people who mistakenly view self-compassion as a weakness, thinking it is incompatible with achieving success. 

Contrary to this belief, self-compassion has nothing to do with condoning undesired behavior. Understanding this distinction is paramount.

Instead, it is an attitude of kindness toward oneself, when you recognize and accept both your strong sides and limitations, and respond to yourself with understanding and support.

In fact, research has shown that self-compassion leads to greater motivation and resilience.

But you don’t have to believe that, it is something that you can experience directly. I promise, if you take time to explore the concept of self-compassion and trouble yourself with practicing its principles you will be amazed by how it works. Here is a perfect article to begin with. 

7. Design your own affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to reprogram your mindset in the desired direction. They are simple, yet powerful, tools that can make your thoughts and beliefs more positively inclined.

Using pre-made affirmations may not work for you since they often don’t resonate. That’s why I always suggest creating your own.

For example, if you tend to beat yourself up for making mistakes, an affirmation could be “I am human and I am allowed to make mistakes. I will learn from them and grow.” 

Use affirmation examples and learn how to coin your own here

8. Learn more about reprograming your mind

I understand the frustration and disappointment that follows when we break our promises to ourselves, whether it’s about overeating or starting to exercise. It can be discouraging to see yourself in such a negative light – weak, undisciplined, and conflicting in your decisions. 

However, it’s important to know that IT’S NOT ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT. The default mindset and ingrained habits are the ones to blame, and until you find a way to reset your mindset, this problem will continue to come back.

I did a lot of research on this subject and the best thing I found so far is Real Subliminal. Real Subliminal is a collection of audio recordings that assist in reprogramming your subconscious mind. 

Essentially, these are positive affirmations conveyed to your subconscious through MP3 files that aim to TRANSFORM YOUR INTERNAL BELIEF SYSTEM. 

It is designed to help you accomplish various goals, including attaining weight loss (you can check the whole list of topics here). 

Reprogramming your thinking can open up new opportunities for you – leading to an upgraded version of yourself. Everything you want is within the capabilities of your mind. The potential is there, it’s all about figuring out how to unleash it.

Additionally, you can also check some books on the subject, in particular, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy and “Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior” by Leonard Mlodinow.

In conclusion

Starting on a weight loss journey is undoubtedly a serious endeavor, where the majority of the work should be done on a mental level. A staggering ninety percent of the effort lies in cultivating the right mindset. It is this very mindset that plays a pivotal role in determining the ultimate success and achievement of desired outcomes in your weight loss journey.

Although weight loss may be the primary objective, what you truly desire are comprehensive transformations in your mindset and belief system. This transformation will ultimately lead to the changes you hope to see in your body and overall health.


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