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We are by nature self-actualizing creatures, meaning that we have an innate drive to reach our full potential and become the best versions of ourselves. This drive pushes us to continuously learn, improve, and adapt. We all want to thrive. 

In this blog post, you will find step-by-step instructions on how to reinvent yourself, in order to better align with your true purpose and reach a higher level of fulfillment.

When it comes to personal growth, there are many different areas of our lives that we can focus on. Some people may prioritize their physical health by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. While others may put emphasis on their career or financial goals.

As a future therapist, I chose to focus the most on mental and emotional well-being. And this is what I am going to be talking about in the article, for if you really want to reinvent yourself and upgrade to a better version of yourself, you must begin there. 

That being said, it’s imperative to understand that rediscovering yourself is a NEVER-ENDING PROCESS. It requires constant self-reflection, introspection, and a willingness to change.

So, the goal is not just to reinvent yourself, but to keep reinventing over and over again.

6 Steps to Reinventing Yourself

I don’t know about you but for me, life only makes sense when there is consistent evidence of growth and evolution. I commend myself each time I see a positive change in my thinking, behavior, or attitude patterns. 

Seeing yourself improving, becoming more patient for example, reacting better on triggering situations, or being able to perceive old situations differently is an empowering feeling indeed. 

So, where do we begin? How do we do that?

1. What does reinventing yourself mean to you?

You definitely want to begin with this question, so you make the whole process more authentic

You are about to start moving, so make sure you do so in the right direction. Make a list of things you would like to change in yourself or in your life. Afterward, think about WHY you want it.

Are they your personal ideas or you borrowed them from someone else (parents, friends, social media, etc)? 

What is your honest motivation behind this desire? 

In which way those changes are valuable for you? 

How will they benefit you? 

Take some time to ponder these questions with all honesty and authenticity. 


You can also use journaling prompts to dive deeper into your thoughts and emotions.

For example,

If not for my fears, what would I do with my life? 

What small habits are holding me back from being a more productive/efficient/successful, etc person?

What would I do in one day so I feel proud of myself?

What makes me content with my life?

It is all about asking yourself the right kinda questions. 

2. Organize your thoughts and set intentions

Once you have a clear understanding of your desires and motivations, it’s time to set some goals.

Goals are powerful tools to help us reach our desired outcomes. They provide direction, focus, and motivation. As long as they are realistic and achievable, goals can push us to become better versions of ourselves.

To get a better sense and clarity from your goal organize them into a vision board. A vision board is a collection of images, quotes, and words that represent your goals and desires. It serves as a visual reminder of what you want to achieve.

3. play pretend

There is a technique we use in therapy called “Miracle question” where you ask yourself: “If a miracle happened tonight while you were sleeping, and your life was magically transformed in the exact way you wanted it to be, what would be different when you woke up?”

This exercise allows you to think outside the constraints of reality and imagine all the possibilities that could happen if your goals were achieved.

Playing pretend can also involve creating scenarios or role-playing where you are already living out your desired outcome. 

This technique can help build confidence, provide motivation, and give insight into potential obstacles that may arise in achieving your goals.

How about imagining that you are already the person you want to be: 

How this person would act, think, and make decisions? 

What this person would do in her day-to-day life? 

What routines does this person follow? 

How does this person respond to stressful events? 

What is her reaction to triggers? 

What does she choose to do with her life? 

What are her major habits?

4. Reprogram your mind

Your subconscious mind is very powerful – it can be a huge helper or a major hindrance in your journey for change. 

Most of our operational settings (our behavior patterns, thoughts, and beliefs) are determined by the default setting of our subconscious mind. In order to make lasting changes, it’s important to program your mind in a positive way.

The most famous way to do that is through affirmations. Affirmations are short, positive statements that you repeat to yourself daily, with the intention of embedding them into your subconscious mind. 

These statements should be in the present tense and focus on what you want to achieve or become, rather than what you don’t want. They also need to be REALISTIC and REPRESENT YOU.

For example: “I am confident and capable.” “I am worthy of achieving my goals.” “I have the power to overcome any obstacle.”

reinventing yourself affirmations

Another powerful tool that I recently discovered for myself is Real Subliminal. Real Subliminal is a collection of audio recordings that assist in reprogramming your subconscious mind. 

Essentially, these are positive affirmations conveyed to your subconscious through MP3 files that aim to TRANSFORM YOUR INTERNAL BELIEF SYSTEM. 

It is designed to help you accomplish various goals such as increasing motivation, overcoming procrastination, attracting financial abundance, achieving freedom from debt, and even attaining weight loss. You can check the list of topics here

Additionally, you can also check some books on the subject in particular, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy and “Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior” by Leonard Mlodinow. 

These books delve deeper into the concept of reprogramming your subconscious mind and provide practical tips and techniques on how to do so effectively.

"The Power of Subconscious Mind"

"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," a beloved bestseller, illustrates how changing thought patterns can drastically improve life. Dr. Joseph Murphy explores the subconscious mind's influence on money, relationships, jobs, and happiness with practical techniques and case studies to help achieve dreams and goals.

5. Do something small

There is no reason to wait till Monday, New Year, or even till the next morning to start a new life. Think of what you can do already today and do it. 

What are you up to right now? How’s your day looking so far? Can you do something small right this minute or within the next hour – something that will signify the beginning and get you closer to who you want to be? I bet you can.

Doesn’t have to be anything huge – just a little effort that costs you almost nothing. Any action is better than no action at all, do you agree?

Consistent small actions are far more effective for habit-formation than striving for a major change. It’s the continual, incremental steps that pave the way for a reinvented version of you.

6. Who are you gonna be a year from now?

Time flies really fast, and before we know it, it is another Christmas and New Year. How about making this year different? How about making small changes every day so that by the end of the year, you are a better version of yourself?

It’s easy to get stuck in our old ways and routines, but taking small steps toward change can make a big impact over time. So who do you want to be a year from now?

Think about your goals and aspirations – what kind of person do you envision yourself being? Maybe it’s someone who is more confident, healthier, or more successful. Whatever it may be, start taking action today to become that person.

A year from now you’ll be glad you’ve started today.” – make this quote a  daily motivational reminder in your journey of reinventing yourself.


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