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In the Russian language, we have a popular saying, which translates literally “Get your sleigh ready in summer”, meaning that you should be prepared in advance. That is why I sat down to write this article at the beginning of January. Summer isn’t even close, but I know it can sneak up on me out of nowhere (like it has before), only to notice that my summer body is nowhere to be found. Yet again. 

We’ve all been there – scrolling through social media, seeing those perfect beach bodies, and feeling envious or discouraged about our own appearance. But the truth is, the pictures don’t show the real stories behind those bodies. 

Most of the time, they are heavily edited or taken at certain angles to look their best. And even if they are real, it’s important to remember that we don’t know the story behind it. And there is always a story, trust me.

That’s why my goal is to give you something true-to-life and tangible, something that is not just a sugarcoated promise, but achievable steps to LASTING TRANSFORMATION.

The psychology behind the idea of the “summer body”

Before we jump into setting yet another crazy unattainable goal and promise to hit the gym five times a week starting Monday, let’s take a moment to dig into psychology and figure out our INTERNAL MOTIVATIONS.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that our desire for a “summer body” is not just about physical appearance. It is often tied to our emotional and psychological well-being, as we compare ourselves to societal standards and feel pressured to conform.

We are bombarded with images of toned, perfectly shaped bodies on social media, magazines, and advertisements, confirming the belief that physical beauty is still a virtue and perpetuating the opinion that there is an ideal standard of beauty that we must all strive for.

This constant comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, not to mention the harmful effects it can have on our mental health.

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Approaching summer usually gives us the illusion of a fresh start and the potential for a fairytale, that can happen if we properly prep our bodies for that.

But how many times do we have to go through the same cycle before we understand the fallacy behind it? 

The truth is, that conforming to societal standards of beauty will never bring us true happiness or self-acceptance.

With all that being said, I must add that it’s nothing but natural for humans to seek external validation. We are all guilty of that, and as much as we all want to be free from the opinions of others, we are by nature designed to be social creatures. 

There’s a psychological thrill in working towards a physical goal, and achieving a summer body can provide a sense of accomplishment and boost one’s self-esteem

And as long as our motives are sensible why would we deprive ourselves of such pleasure? 

Realistic strategies to achieve the “summer body” of your dreams

First off, let me say that achieving that summer body you’ve been dreaming of requires effective strategies and REALISTIC approaches. That means you understand your own body and consider psychological factors like motivation, discipline, and self-esteem. That being said, here’s what you should do.

1. Go small, or go down

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about setting achievable goals. It’s not a new concept, but for some reason, we still make outrageous promises to ourselves when we decide to get in shape.

But here’s the thing – setting SMALL goals, which are easy to accomplish, is the key to success. 

When you set small goals, you increase your chances of acquiring a FEELING OF SATISFACTION in the end. 

Because you actually achieved your goals, you feel more proud and confident in yourself – and this state is a powerful internal motivation by itself. 

When you see the results, they are more likely to inspire you for more.

For example, let’s say you start with a small goal of going for a 20-minute walk every day. Once you accomplish that, you might even feel motivated to increase it to 30 minutes or even start jogging.

2. Don’t get specific

You’ve always heard that you have to be specific about your goals. Like, as we really have control over everything. 

Let’s be real, life is unpredictable and cannot be confined to a timetable – it throws us surprises and curveballs all the time. With countless factors at play, it’s impossible to account for everything.

When you are too specific and rigid with your goals, you hinder your progress.

Let’s say your goal was to lose 30 pounds for the summer, but you only managed to lose 20. Instead of celebrating your incredible transformation, you might get hung up on those fictional numbers and feel disappointed and discouraged. Not very wise.

Ultimately, what we all truly desire is to feel good about ourselves. That’s why it is important to not get too caught up in the specifics and instead follow the natural and spontaneous rhythms of life in the direction of never-ending self-improvement, towards a healthier and happier life. 

3. It‘s a lifestyle change, baby

Yes, lifestyle change is required in the journey towards achieving a summer body. So let’s stop being delusional and all agree on that. 

Our lifestyle consists of small routines we perform daily, and those routines (aka habits) define who we are and how we look like. 

Habits are our second nature, and the type of habits we possess and their quality reflect in the way we look. For instance, if you mention to me that your evening habit is lounging in front of the TV with a bag of chips, it’s unlikely that I would envision you as a fit, energetic individual.  

Good habits are hard to form, I get it, but on the bright side, once a good habit is established and ingrained in our daily behavior, it no longer requires effort, willpower, or any type of internal struggle. 

Meaning, that once the habit becomes a lifestyle you can only reap the rewards. And isn’t that what we all want? To effortlessly live a healthy, fulfilling life? When having a summer body is no longer a hurdle or a tedious quest to conquer, but simply a reality. 

4. Move!

To me, one of the greatest life changes that serve so well in the long run is to make exercise a natural part of your lifestyle. 

What does it mean? 

It is simply making up your mind that from now on, you will opt to have more physical movement where possible. For example, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away from your destination, or choosing to walk or bike instead of driving short distances. You’ll be surprised how these simple changes can add up to helping you to burn calories!

Also, you can incorporate other physical activities into your daily life. 

The key is to find the ones that you GENUINELY enjoy, otherwise don’t even start. 

The choice is yours when it comes to selecting activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s dancing, swimming, playing sports, taking leisurely walks, joining groups or classes, or immersing yourself in outdoor adventures, what matters most is your enthusiasm for it.

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Additionally, don’t underestimate the power of incorporating movement breaks throughout your day. Whether it’s taking a quick walk during your lunch break or doing stretching exercises at your desk, these small bursts of activity can help break up sedentary periods and keep your body engaged.

If you are completely lazy and despise exercising altogether, I highly recommend exploring SOMATIC WORKOUTS. They are a real treasure trove for those of us who struggle with traditional forms of exercise. They are absolutely effortless, yet super effective.

Intrigued? Here are a few articles to check out:

Somatic Exercises: What is That and How to Do It? 

Why You Should Do Somatic Workouts: Unbelievable Benefits

Remember, that your goal is to GRADUALLY INCREASE your daily movement and find opportunities to be active in ways that suit your lifestyle

5. What do you put in your mouth?

Let’s start by clearing something up: THE FOOD AND DRINKS YOU CONSUME CAN EITHER FUEL YOUR BODY OR CAUSE HARM. How well do you comprehend that? 

The food you eat directly affects your energy level and overall grade of life. So, it’s important to pay attention to the quality and quantity of what you put in your mouth.

I am not here to bore you with dietary advice, nor am I qualified for that. We do not live in an informational vacuum and we can scarcely complain about the lack of appropriate knowledge. 

We all perfectly know what we are supposed to eat for optimal health and what we should not. 

The problem is not that. It is that even with being entirely aware of what and how much we should consume, we still choose to make unhealthy and oftentimes, detrimental food choices. Whether it’s due to convenience, cravings, or simply lack of self-control, our eating habits are often not in line with what is best for our bodies.

Now what? 

Would you like me to be a broken record and repeat yet again that you must change your eating habits? That you should cut out all processed foods? That you should eat smaller portions? Opting for fruits and vegetables?  We all know this. It’s old news.

Still, we do the opposite, but why do we? That takes us to the next point. 

6. How’s your mental health?

What if I told you that it’s not just about the food itself, but also about our mindset and relationship with ourselves? Changing our eating and other habits requires a deeper understanding of why we make certain choices and how we can change them for the better. It involves addressing emotional issues, developing healthy coping mechanisms, and finding balance in our overall lifestyle.

So instead of focusing solely on what to eat or not to eat, when and how to exercise, we can shift our perspective and think about nourishing ourselves from the inside out

This means paying attention to not only the physical parts of our living but also the mental, emotional, and even spiritual aspects. It means cultivating a positive relationship with yourself and with your body. 

7. Self-compassion to the rescue

Self-compassion and self-care are two grand topics that are often overlooked when it comes to health and wellness. But they play a crucial role in sustaining LONG-TERM CHANGES and creating a healthy lifestyle.

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. It means acknowledging that you are human and making mistakes is part of the process. Instead of beating yourself up for not following a strict diet or missing a workout, practice self-compassion by accepting your slip-ups and moving on with a positive mindset.

Self-care is also essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It involves taking time for yourself to relax, reflect, and recharge. This can include activities like meditation, yoga, reading, or spending time outdoors. By prioritizing self-care, you are showing love and respect for your body and mind.

As counterintuitive as it sounds only when you become kinder and more forgiving to yourself, only then the changes can occur. It absolutely must.

over to you

I don’t know if all that makes sense to you, but there were some insights about the summer body idea that I wanted to share with you. 

It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure of having a perfect body for summer, but it’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all definition of what a “perfect” body looks like. Everybody is unique and beautiful in their own way.

Instead of focusing on achieving a certain appearance, shift your mindset towards taking care of your overall health and well-being. This includes finding a balance between physical exercise, nourishing your body with nutritious foods, and practicing self-compassion.

It’s okay to have slip-ups or not look like society’s standard of beauty. What matters most is that you are living a healthy and fulfilling life according to YOUR OWN STANDARDS.


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