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For many of us, exercise is primarily a means to achieve specific goals—whether it’s getting in shape, losing weight, or training for an event like a marathon. In this view, exercise is more about what you do than what you feel. 

But what if exercise could be more than just a goal-oriented activity? What if it could also be a way to connect with your inner self?

Somatic movement blends mindfulness with physical motion, and while yoga is a popular choice for this approach, somatic Pilates offers an alternative. 

If you’re seeking a method to both strengthen and enhance flexibility while also fostering a deeper connection with yourself, somatic Pilates could be an excellent option.

What is Somatic Pilates?

Somatic Pilates is a mindful approach to exercise that integrates the principles of somatic movement with traditional Pilates techniques. Unlike conventional Pilates, which often emphasizes precision, repetition, and alignment, somatic Pilates focuses on enhancing body awareness and fostering a deeper connection between mind and body.

In somatic Pilates, the emphasis is on exploring and understanding how movements feel rather than just executing them perfectly.

By combining mindfulness with Pilates, somatic Pilates offers a holistic approach to fitness. It not only strengthens and stretches the body but also fosters a deeper sense of self-awareness and emotional well-being. 

Somatic Pilates Exercises you can do at home

Understanding the benefits of somatic movement is one thing, but actually putting it into practice can be another challenge. To help you begin, here are seven distinctive somatic Pilates exercises. 

If you’re new to Pilates or similar practices, don’t worry—just start with what feels right for you and gradually progress from there.

1. Morning Somatic Pilates Routine

Start with this video by Rebekah from Bodyillumination. It is an excellent light somatic workout that is perfect for beginners. This Somatic Pilates Routine focuses on the core and spine.

2. somatic pilates for the shoulders and neck

If you’re dealing with chronic shoulder or neck pain, this routine is designed to help alleviate it. By incorporating mindfulness into these Pilates exercises, you can better identify and address the source of your pain internally.

In addition to targeting the shoulders and neck, this routine includes full-body workouts to get your blood flowing and enhance overall well-being.

Yoga Bolster Pillow

Upgrade you somatic practice with yoga bolster pillow. This special cushion is used for added support for the body during meditation, somatic stretching or just simple relaxation.

3. Somatic Stretching Routine

Check out this “20-Minute Somatic Stretching to Relax and Release,” a unique fitness experience that combines the elegance of ballet with the mindfulness of yoga. Suitable for all levels, this video aims to unite body and mind through fluid movement and breath.

This invigorating workout is both empowering and energizing, featuring dynamic movements that will help you feel graceful and inspired as you dance your heart out.

4. Somatic Pilates Express Routine

Discover Somatic Pilates with Beth Sandline—her approach integrates mindful movement with Pilates principles, helping you connect deeply with your body to achieve greater flexibility, strength, and relaxation. 

This express routine is perfect for when you’re short on time but still want to experience a full-body workout that enhances your physical well-being and calms your mind. Ideal for busy days or as a quick refresh, it provides an effective way to maintain your practice and feel revitalized.

Earthing Grounding Mat

When going outside for a walk isn't an option, a grounding mat can serve as a convenient substitute or addition to your wellness routine. It provides comparable grounding benefits, all from the comfort of your own home.

5. somatic pilates for emergency stress relief

This video serves as an excellent introduction to effective somatic movement. It features a series of grounding techniques designed to help manage stress, tension, and anxiety

In addition, it provides a robust Pilates workout to tone your body and enhance overall strength and flexibility. Perfect for both mental and physical well-being, it offers a balanced approach to feeling grounded and invigorated.

6. somatic pilates full workout

The compilation wouldn’t be complete without a full Pilates workout routine. This video is essential if you’re committed to exploring somatic movement thoroughly and want to dedicate time to deepening your practice. It provides a comprehensive and engaging approach, ensuring you gain the full benefits of both Pilates and somatic techniques.


Foam Back Roller

This amazing stretching device will take your somatic workout to the next level. The yoga wheel is effective for targeting all areas of the back, from the neck to the lower back. It serves as a therapeutic tool, releasing knots and trigger points for optimal relief.

7. somatic pilates for lower body

This practice is designed to lift and strengthen your glutes, enhance hip mobility, and tone your thighs. Combining traditional Pilates with the twist of variations, this workout focuses on the key areas of the butt and thighs, offering a fun yet challenging session that might give you a satisfying burn!

In this 22-minute session, you’ll explore the dynamic blend of somatic Pilates and Yogilates, the transformative flow that will leave you feeling strong, centered, and glowing with vitality.

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